Wednesday, August 26, 2015


August 19, 2015
Didn't make the camping trip last weekend.  I did go to the lake for the afternoon on Sunday and that was very pleasant.
So what kept me from camping.  On Saturday I received a call from the yard man because he had awakened a bumble bee hive.  I watched the bees on Saturday evening and then called an exterminating company on Monday.  They want $175 to dust the hive and then come back and dust everything under the house.  The bees have gotten under the house through the vent and made their hive in the insulation against the outside wall.  Now it would seem killing the bees would be a no brainer but as with most of the country our bee population is declining.  Bumble bees pollinate many plants and while they are not as necessary as honey bees they are still important
Some research on the internet is helpful.  Male bumble bees die in the winter and only the fertilized queens hibernate.  They go underground for the winter and when they awaken in the spring they establish new hives for their off spring.   The bees under my house will either die or become inactive within 1 to 2 months.  The BIG question is will they move out from under my house or will they establish more hives under the house. 
August 26, 2015
Nothing much going on.  I spent another Sunday setting on my friends deck overlooking the lake and watched the birds fight over the feeders.  I've contacted the county extension office about the bees and they along with everyone else think the answer is just killing them.  I'm going to set an appointment with another company that only charges $90 but they only come out once.  I think one trip will be enough for as late as it is in the year.  They tell me the chemicals they use will not stay active through the winter so no matter what I do now I will probably be calling them back in the spring.
That's it, that's all I've accomplished in two weeks.  Next weekend my mother will be in town so there won't be any trips to the lake.  Maybe I'll get some housework done before she gets here.  We'll see.
Have a great day!

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