Saturday, October 1, 2016


Today I sat on the porch and practiced relaxing my face and smiling.  Sounds strange.  But for years I've been caught up in the stress of everyday life.  After a while clenching my jaw and frowning just becomes a way of life.  Sitting on the porch every morning listening to the world waking up around me is helping me to relax, stop worrying about tomorrow and just enjoy what is here.
Business was good in September.  Only had 1 bad sales week.  I've only been open an hour today but I've already had a few customers.
I joined a van group on facebook and enjoy seeing the conversions people are doing on their vans.  I only have a minivan and will not be full timing in it so I'm only going to add a bed for now.  If I have an opportunity to take longer trips I will buy more gear but I'm fine for now.
Three weeks ago Cookie (my little dog) passed away.  I've missed her everyday but having my daughter's dog living here does help.  I'm trying not to get another dog until I spend more time on the road and see how a pet will fit into my schedule.  While all of my pets have enjoyed traveling with me I realize a time comes when their health makes it difficult for them to enjoy travel and new places.
Have a great day!

A few pictures from Yellowstone:

We were told this fella was tagged that morning and was sleeping off his tranquilizer.
He was about 50 yrds off the road and people were walking closer to get better shots.  Glad he didn't wake up.

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