Friday, June 5, 2015


I didn't realize it's been so long since I posted.  Nothing really exciting has happened.  I'm planning a trip to Yellowstone in June 2016. Have a family reunion coming up in three weeks.  I'm trying to find a way to keep my house.  Trying different ways to look at the meaning of retirement.

I've been working on the assumption that I would not have enough social security to keep my house once I stopped working.  I started looking at books on retirement and they were always about how to prepare financially for retirement while you're still making good  money.  Those days are over for me.

Last Saturday I picked up a book about different ways of thinking about retirement.  This book is more about what you will do with your time during this part of your life.  Of course everyone mentioned in this book has lots of money to make their choices.  But the idea has made me think a little differently.  Working my bookstore into my 70's was part of my original plan.  Just because business is poor doesn't mean I can't still do this.  I won't be able to save as much for the time when I can no longer work but if I still have the house I could take out a reverse mortgage later if I needed to.

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