Friday, February 5, 2016

FEBRUARY 5, 2016

I've spent the last few weeks actually working.  I've gotten a lot of books on the shelves and the store was looking pretty good then boxes of books started coming in.  I should be stocking today but there is always tomorrow.

After much deliberation I've decided to change my hours for the summer.  Right now the store is only closed on Sunday & Monday.  Starting sometime in May I'm going to start closing on Tuesdays also.  My plan is to stay open later on Wed, Thur and Fri. plus start running special Wednesday sales now so people will get used to the idea of shopping here on Wednesdays.  Today I will put a sign on the door and a notice on facebook about our Wednesday sales.

If the store can survive, this will give me 3 days off each week so there will be more time to take short trips each month.  I enjoy the planning and research for trips so now is the time to start that planning.  We will see how it works this summer.  I sure like the idea of only working 4 days a week.

In addition I'm going to try my hand at container gardening for a few vegetables.  I can't believe the price of squash and bell peppers.  So this year I will try to plant a few in containers and see how they do.  I'm going to start with spinach.  It is a cool weather plant so I should be able to start it in the next couple of weeks and have fresh spinach for April and May.  If the spinach survives I should be able to get the squash and bell peppers started.

Well I have customers coming in I should get back to work.
Have a great day!

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